React Native

Build cross-platform mobile apps with React Native

Backend Technologies

Rapid development with Laravel, Django, Express Js(Node), Spring Boot

Frontend Technologies

Frontend development with React.js, Angular, Bootstrap, Vue.js

10 Years of Excellence in Technology Solutions 10 Years of Excellence in Technology Solutions

10 Years

of Excellence in
Technology Solutions


10 Years of Excellence in Technology Solutions

Greetings and welcome to Apposys Technologies Agra India, At Apposys, we combine technology with AI to develop digital experiences that change businesses. Our commitment to innovation motivates us to provide advanced solutions in mobile app development, website development, and SEO services.

  • AI-Driven Solutions
  • Designing, Development & Promotion
  • Free Consultancy
  • 24/7 Free Support

Collaborate with us to discover your digital capabilities and begin a successful journey.

Surjit singh

Surjit singh

CEO & Founder
10 Years of Excellence in Technology Solutions 10 Years of Excellence in Technology Solutions
Plan your business strategy with Our Experts Plan your business strategy with Our Experts Plan your business strategy with Our Experts

Plan your business strategy with Our Experts

Apposys Technologies offers mobile apps, websites and SEO services in Agra to help you to build a successful business plan. Our experienced experts offer customized solutions to enhance your brand and achieve success. From analyzing the market to developing innovative strategies, we are with you every step of the process. Plan for success and wealth with our professional advice.

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    Best Award

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    Happy Clients

 Our digital marketing strategies

Our digital marketing strategies

It’s about beating your competition in the search results. Don't settle for being buried on page 10. Our SEO strategies are so appealing, so informative, search engines crown you the champion.

Technical SEO
Human driven Content
Social Media Marketing
Influencer Marketing
Traditional Advertising
Search Engine Marketing (SEM)
Community Engagement
Guest Blogging, Email Marketing and more

Our recently completed projects

Our most recent completed projects exemplify the team's dedication and success



This website is developed for Online food ordering with packages and offers by Foodivameals, Canada.
Rebel city distillery

Rebel city distillery

This e-commerce is developed for Rebel city distillery based in Cork, Ireland.
Tabi Advisor

Tabi Advisor

This website is developed for tours and travels from Japan to India



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Our Dedicated Team Members

Meet our dedicated team members at Apposys, committed to delivering excellence in every project.

Er. Surjit Singh

Er. Surjit Singh

Founder / CEO
Er. Arvind Kumar

Er. Arvind Kumar

Chief Technical Officer
Alka Sharma

Alka Sharma

HR Manager
Tarun Sharma

Tarun Sharma

Technology Manager

What Our Customers Say

Apposys Technologies from India made online food ordering seamless for us, enhancing customer experience. Highly recommend their services. 

Nitesh Jain

Nitesh Jain

Foodivameals, Canada

Apposys Technologies streamlined our online store, boosting sales and enhancing customer experience. A game-changer for Rebel City Distillery. 

Robert Barrett

Robert Barrett

Rebel City Distillery, Ireland

Apposys streamlined our booking process, enhancing customer experience. Their support is exceptional. Highly recommend for travel businesses.  

Ajay Kumar

Ajay Kumar

TabiAdvisor, Japan
We’ve offered the best pricing for you

We’ve offered the best pricing for you

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Ever Find Yourself Staring At Your Computer Screen A Good Consulting Slogan To Come To Mind? Oftentimes.

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